Damaged Shipment Policy
Goods inspection
Please carefully inspect your goods thoroughly before signing for the delivery. If your package is damaged, please note this on the consignment note. When signing for an item you are accepting that the item has been received in good condition, and the freight company will not honour any claim in the event of damage. We will then not be able to claim for damage on your behalf. By paying your invoice you have accepted all our Terms & Conditions.
We carefully pack and check all boxes before they are sent. However damages can occur during transit. When an item is received damaged please follow the instructions below that pertain to the carrier used for shipment or contact us via email and phone.
DO NOT throw out the boxes the item(s) was shipped in, the carrier will need to see the shipping box to determine coverage of damages.
If damages happened please contact Castle Parcels delivery company immediately or as soon as possible to make a report. Phone: 0800 404 303
Freight Shipment
Shipment Refusal
For truck shipment (furniture, pedicure spas…) upon delivery you will need to check boxes for all visible damages to the boxes and number of boxes received. If any damage or missing boxes, write a brief description of the damage or number of boxes received on the bill of lading of the carrier before signing it. You will then have to open and check all boxes for any damages and contact us within 48 hours of receipt of order for us to make a claim with the shipper or freight company.
As long as you check the number of boxes and write down all visible damages, you will not need to refuse a shipment.
Refusal of the shipment:
Will incur additional charges for restocking and redelivery variable depending on the carrier. These charges must be paid before shipment is redelivered.
Does not constitute a cancellation of an order. If a shipment is returned to us, you will not be fully credited.
The refused order will then be inspected upon arrival back to us and you will be credited the item’s costs less all shipping and restocking charges at 10% of the order invoice.